Sunday 30 September 2012

7 Years back....

It happened this day, 7 years back. She was hit by a speeding motorbike while crossing a road in Batam, Indonesia, which put her in a comatose for about 6 weeks.

From that moment onwards, it was a totally different world for me and the children. It was a saga where known and unknown people helped with whatever they could, with blood, with cash, with prayers etc. Many of them, by their mere presence lifted our morale and our trust in humanity.

The next day she was shifted to Gleneagles Hospital in Singapore. The team of doctors and staff under Dr. Prem Pillay who treated her performed almost a miracle as she was having many broken bones in practically every part of her body and was having internal injuries. Today, we do salute all those - the doctors, nurses, technicians and the support staff of the hospital - who helped her in the process of her recovery. We are also thankful for all the kind words and deeds from many friends which helped us to pass through the traumatic period.

Again, after we were back in Batam, the help and support we received from all friends at every stage of her recovery, was unparalleled. Her own will power and the prayers especially by all those young children who were her students too contributed immensely. By God’s grace and by all your help and prayers, M’m Savitri, as she is fondly called by all, is hail and healthy, working as Principal of a primary school here in Dehradun.

An ardent trekker, she now frequently goes trekking in the nearby hills with her students and colleagues.

Life is ever so precious – Never Give Up!

1 comment:

  1. Narayanan and Savithri, keep trekking! wish you two all the best!
