Thursday 18 October 2012

Technical Snag

‘So how was your trip this time?’ I asked Naradaa.

‘Very adventurous. You know this time, I went by that contraption called airplane.’

‘So? Which countries you visited?’

‘What difference does it make?'

‘Tell me what happened.’

‘See, when they gave me the ticket, they said I have to go to the airport 3 hours before the departure time. The flight is only 40 minutes. Anyway, I promptly reached there 3 hours before. Then they said the flight is delayed by one hour.’

‘So what? That is usual. They will say one hour and then sometimes they keep adding some more hours to it. But did they tell why the flight is delayed?’

‘Oh, yes. That they did. They said there was a technical snag.’

‘Oh, that is also usual. They still have not found a better reason.’

‘ The problem was that from my destination, I was to catch another flight to another place. But would that second flight wait for me?’

‘Why should they? That would be another airline. Why should they inconvenience other passengers?’

Anyway, when we finally landed at the first destination, there was still time to catch the other flight. But then there was a big queue at what they called immigration counter. There were many counters but there was only one functioning.’


‘It seemed that only one of the computers could read my passport. I did  not understand half of the technical jargon he said. Anyway I thought he is trying to explain that there is a technical snag in the computers, probably. But finally when I was out of that counter, it was pretty late and the guy told me I have to go to domestic airport to catch the other flight.’


‘I ran with all the luggage some 200 meters and finally reached the check-in counter of the domestic airport. No one sitting there dispensing the boarding passes nor there was a queue. So, I thought I was late and lost that flight. I was just standing there wondering what to do next when a smart guy in airline uniform approached me and asked if I was going by flight number so and so. I said yes.’

‘So they were waiting for you…’

‘He told me to proceed to the restaurant as dinner was being served there for the passengers of that flight – Because Sir, he said, 'we are very very sorry and regret the inconvenience but the flight is delayed by four hours.' How do you like that?’

‘Four hours? Anyway, they were at least serving dinner.’

‘That is true but a few passengers fought for it, I was told. Anyway I got the dinner.’

‘But why was it delayed by four hours?’

‘Technical snag, of course!’ 

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