Saturday, 10 September 2016


N: Good to see your Thattukada is progressing well. What is this board, TKS Special Onam sadya? What is TKS?
Sh: TKS is Thattu Kada Shish. How do you like it?
N: Good. But how did you come across a name like that?
Sh: I had overheard people talking about my Thattukada. For example, A is asking B, ‘where do we go for lunch today?’ B answers,’ we can go to TKS. They give good food….’ I heard this 3 or 4 times from various people. So I decided it is a good idea.
N: Well, looks OK so long as someone doesn’t call it ‘Thallu Kolli Shop’ (shop where you may get beaten up….)
Sh: No, no…. people have been paying ok and the ambience is reasonably peaceful so far….. But then, if they don’t pay or they start making some big ruckus, they deserve to get beaten up, no?
N: Forget it. No shouting, beating up and the like. I see that you have the Onam sadya. Do you know what Onam means?
Sh: Of course, yes. Who doesn’t?In Onam sadya, there was a bit of confusion.
N: Confusion? But how did you make all the items? How did you know what to make and how to make?
Sh: That is from ‘internet’.
N: Internet?
Sh: Don’t you know what is internet? You travel so much on your Lazy Chair….
N: Of course I know what is internet.
Sh: Haan……. So all information is available on the internet. Someone helped me to get all information. Then I realized there could be as much confusion as there could be information.
N: What confusion?
Sh: For example, take this Onam Sadya….. In different areas, the items could vary and way of preparation could vary…. So I decided on some standard. OK, I want to ask you something. Have you ever gone and met Maveli?
N: Maveli, the old Emperor? You must be joking. My namesake who lived during all those days must have visited the emperor Mahabali. I have seen a few imitation Mahabalis during my travels. Generally, people in Fancy dress…..
Sh: Yeh, many of them generally seems to be having wrong notions about Mahabali. Many paintings I have seen Mahabali wearing a holy thread. Why, isn’t he an Asura king? Again when they welcome the Asura king every year, why they insist not to include Non-vegetarian dishes in the Sadya?
N: So, you want to serve chicken curry in Onam sadya? Why not serve hot drinks like whiskey or at least some toddy?
Sh: I am really baffled.
N: So do you want to include these in your Sadya menu?
Sh: I don’t think I will do that. I will stick to my two menus, one the normal Onam Sadya and the other the Special Onam Sadya. I am thinking of adding a ‘Shish Curry’.
N: What is ‘Shish Curry,?
Sh: It is a curry which will be invented by me at your request.
N: At my request?
Sh: See, the other day I was reading about ‘Ramayyan Curry’. This was invented by One of the ministers, Ramayyan, of a King Marthandavarma Maharaja, at his – king’s, not Ramayyan’s – request. It became such a hit with the king, that it was included in Onam Sadya…… At least, that is the version I have heard. So, you request and I will invent ‘Shish Curry’.
N: If you make it at my request, you must name it ‘Naradaa Curry,’ no?

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